Monday, May 25, 2009

Mythology Quiz

Hi Friends...

Today, lets do some brainstorming around Mythology.

1. According to Hindu mythology, who killed seven of her children by drowning them in a river?

2. According to Egyptian Mythology, Maat was the goddess of truth. Her feather was measured up against a body part of a dead person, to see if they were truthful and righteous. What was the body part the feather was measured against?

3. According to Egyptian Mythology, Ptah was a god of which city?

4. According to Greek Mythology,  where was Home of the gods?

5. Where is the world's only Brahma temple located? 

6. According to Hindu Mythology, Lord Dattatreya is confluence of Bramha, Vishnu and who else?

7. According to Egyptian Mythology, What was the original ending of King Tutankhamen's name?

8. According to Greek Mythology, who is the goddess of Beauty?

9. In Chinese mythology, this creature was born from a stone egg and was a master of magic, his main weapon being a staff that could grow and shrink in size. Name the creature.

10. In this collection of stories from the Middle East, the legendary queen Scheherazade keeps herself from being executed by her sultan husband by cleverly weaving a magical and fantastic tale that spans 1,001 nights. Name the collection.

11.This legendary Buddhist deity--whose name in Sanskrit means "The Snatcher"--was originally an Indian deity who ate children and had 500 of her own. Name the deity.

12. This figure of ancient Roman mythology was born out of the waves of the sea, and later became the goddess of love and beauty. What is her name?

Just wanted to mention something.
The names of all the students who are participating in the quizzes posted on this blog and of those 
who are following the blog are being compiled and will be submitted to the school after the 
holidays. This will help us to form a team which will be participating in the MOD QUIZ on the D day.

SO, keep participating in the Quizzes posted here and increase your chances to be in the School's State Level Team.


  1. 1. The Ganga/Ganges
    2. The Heart
    3. The ancient city of Memphis
    4. It was on a magnificent palace on the heights of Mount Olympus
    5. Pushkar Mela in Pushkar, Rajasthan
    6. Lord Mahesh
    7. Tutankhaten
    8. Aphrodite
    9. He didn't have a name but was a monkey and no ordinary one.
    10. Arabian Nights
    11. Hariti
    12. Venus

  2. Here are the answers for the Quiz posted above....

    1. Goddess Ganga
    2. Heart. Maat was usually shown with the feather on her head.
    3. Memphis
    4. Mt. Olympus
    5. Pushkar, Rajasthan
    6. Maheshwara
    7. The correct answer is -aten. Akhenaten's god was Aten (the same as the ending of his name). Tut's real name was Tutankhaten (or Tutankhaton), but to avoid being associated with Akhenaten, he changed his name to Tutankhamen's to associate himself with the god Amen (or Amun), who Akhenaten had destroyed.
    8. Aphrodite
    9. Monkey. In Chinese mythology, the monkey is seen as the personification of the nature of genius, and his adventures are recorded in the Xiyouji (The Journey to the West), by Wu Cheng'en. He is believed to have been born from a stone egg and is a master of magic.
    10. Arabian Nights
    11. Hariti. Hariti, whose name in Sanskrit means "The Snatcher," was originally an Indian deity who ate children and had 500 of her own. To show Hariti the suffering she caused, Buddha hid her youngest child under the child's begging bowl. Converted, Hariti became the goddess of children. Her cult spread to China, where she is known as protector of children and women in childbirth. Hariti became especially popular in Japan, where she is known as Kishimo-jin.
    12. Venus. She was said to have been born out of the waves of the sea, and she later became the goddess of love and beauty. She was married to Vulcan, the god of metalwork, and was the mother of Cupid, god of love. She is often depicted as a full-grown woman being transported on a shell to the seashore. Venus was the Roman equivalent of the Greek Aphrodite.

    Great Tanvi...You got all of them correct!!!
    Keep it up.

  3. 1.Ganges
    4.Mt Olympus
    6.Lord SHIV
    9.Monkey (SAIYUKI)
    10.Arabian nights
    12.Lord VENUS
